Friday, July 2, 2010

Cube Field Widescreen

Heel 9

Sto andando in giro per casa con il nuovo acquisto tacco 9. Mi hanno detto che per evitare brutte sorprese i miei piedi devono abituarsi alla tortura e quindi più lo indosso meglio è. Magari nei prossimi giorni lo uso pure per andare Simply to. If they have to come out of the bubbles that they do now. The main feeling of suffocation. It will also be at home here because there are at least 28 degrees and my feet are not properly relaxed. But better get used to.
With this acquisition should be complete. In my ignorance I had not thought, but now I'll also find a bra similar to the day when I had the seamstress took the measure of the dress.
There are people who know all these things because they prepare the great event of the Bibles consulting all the case at least two years before. Like my cousin. What c'aveva well as its reception of the feast - and I only found out today what it is. I'm not angry I will, of course. Indeed I am preparing for two years. But there is one. I mean, I realize only now that there are details that I had not considered their own. And I would not freaks. Just as an example, the thought that is ill-treated me since I came back home is that there is a virtual package that looks at me from the shopping bag and asking to be eaten. But I bought for the trip tomorrow and I can not eat now because it's seven and a half and certainly all the fat of Virtual drettamente pass on my feet, making it even more difficult business of making comfortable the heel 9.


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