Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What's The Best Way To Organize Building Blocks

Fame Air

take your breath away, life
swim in its waters and
, overlooking the 'abyss,
look at the depth and richness of
' existence,
an endless wave driven currents
hours cold blade pierce you,
hours in order to protect you sweet. He comes
hungry air
the placid surface and hot washes you
caressing your skin
and giving you the sun
a gold mask on your face
salt crystals and drops of essence.


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Convection Vs Conventional Ovens

lists sent by mail

E 'come the time of the blade rotating on the ceiling.
Milan came the undisputed queen of the season, the mosquitoes. They
hello hello from behind the glass, but they are hospitable.
past ten and twenty-one and about two hours before gmail. I wanted to watch a movie and instead have gone two hours. Organizing is longer than expected. Okay now that I'm getting paranoid in writing the mail, even the most informal. But two hours are many. However
done. This too is gone.
Sunday may go in peace.
While not given the opportunity today with a shot to last, we bought tickets for the Heineken Jammin 'Festival.
I'm getting this paranoia of having to do a lot of things, and stop putting each year. So this will
also the year the Heineken Jammin 'Festival. As if we did not have enough full in 2010. Approfittiamone. Anyway.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Funny How To Tell Husband Baby

Goodbye, no, goodbye! The silence of the night

The journey never ends. Solo travelers end up. It is also likely to endure in their memory, in memory, in the narrative. When the traveler is sitting on the sand of the beach and says: "There is much to see," he knew that was not true. You have to see what is not seen to see again what we have seen, in the spring to see what we have seen in the summer, the day see what we have seen at night, with the sun where the first time rain, see green crops, the mature fruit, the stone has changed places, the shadow that was not there. We must retrace steps already given, to repeat, and to draw alongside new ways. We must begin the journey. Always. The traveler returns immediately.

José Saramago

Remove From Play Deck For Sale

how much noise does the silence!
It 's the land where the buzz of the soul

rooted and growing voice of thought.

Nothing is more deafening silence of the night, while
eyelids swell to sleep, drop away
and, in the background, ticking of clocks
hum of red lights
speak softly, in standby. Everything seems

property and indeed the whole dance,
no way to stop the music and you almost regret

the city and its clashing sounds

never so acute as the voice of the soul.

you can not ignore, you can only listen

and stop trying to silence and stop

continuously scans the times you mention.

You can not rest, then try to feel

only do so silent.


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tinkerbell Eats Yahoo


A black shadow upon me, alone in the dark
teeth glinting,
strong, sharp
E 'a wolf!
jumps on me in a blind leap
and are in his clutches, his teeth
hours devour my flesh to the bone,
claws penetrate the blacks,
no way to escape the pain
that sticks like glue
and spring.
remain there,
lying on a bed of leaves,
I killed her, but torn,
strenuous yield the sleep of the senses, while evil
Pulz and echoes.
Awakening brings relief,

find life at my side and the wolf, loyal and unpredictable
is a presence with me ..


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dragonball 1st Season Doujin

fleeting thought: alienation

Take a child, close it in a room with no contact with the outside world and without the nourishment of mother love, alienated die overwhelmed by anything, from a life emptied of its true meaning. Take a man, close to a room with the only company of a television set, as always lit a fire behind a glass. It will be of unsound mind, forget himself identifying with what he sees, what he thinks of doubting or even being firmly convinced that their ideas are solid, indisputable, are really his. In fact it was robbed of his conscience and his own truth. Take a woman and let it become a fetish of meat, an ornament of loneliness imaginary male femininity with a swollen and ridiculed by fetishistic fantasies, become a doll and forget all that once we call mother.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Where To Buy Flip Mino Hd In India


For those not taking drugs, one who takes drugs is a "different." And as such is generally destitute of humanity, both through the racist hatred that always attract me to the "other" and through any understanding or compassion. In relations with the "different" intolerance or tolerance are the same thing. It must be said however that while the intolerant believe that the diversity explanations and therefore did not deserve only hate, we often ask the tolerant, more or less honestly, what are the reasons for this diversity.
Now both I and my player we are "tolerant" is to have some doubts about this? So the question I ask is: "Why those" other "who are drug addicts take drugs?" There is undoubtedly an explanation regarding the individual, namely psychology. If I speak and analyze - without either sentimentality or moralizing or complicity - a single addict, I experienced a real life to be taken into consideration: with her childhood, her parents, her woes, and so on. So what little knowledge in psychoanalytic any intellectual capacity is sufficient to draw any diagnosis: the diagnosis which is eternally the same, however: death wish. This "fine"
individual - often even aware - sheds light backward and below, on the whole individuality analyzed, which is so deeply made consistent: as one of its own. The "diversity" is always inaccessible. But if the relationship with the individual drugs do not have, you know, markets, and unrelated - and the excess of a concrete "case" human being, is as elusive than ever in history - as opposed to the relationship with the mass of drug addicts, or rather, with the drugs, can be made speakable, rationalized, historicized.
"As for my personal, and very little experience, what I seem to know about the drug problem is the following fact: the drug is always a substitute. It is precisely a substitute for culture. That so What is certain is too linear, too simple and generic. But realizing the complications come when you examine things closely. At an average level - on "many" - the drug is to fill a void caused by the fact
death wish and that is therefore a lack of culture.
to love the culture we need strong vitality. Because the culture - in the specific sense, or rather class - a possession: and nothing requires a more intense crazy energy and the desire to possess. Who has not even a small dose of this energy, giving up. And because, in general, because of his injury and its sensitivity is an individual, for the specific culture, the elite, which opens here this cultural void around him the rest he desperately wanted (to die) : he fills that void with substitute drugs. The effect of the drug, then mimics the rational knowledge through experience, so to speak, but aberrant in some way homologous to it. Even at a higher level occurs something like this: there are writers and artists who take drugs. Why are they doing? Also, I think, to fill a void, but this time it is not simply a lack of culture, but of necessity and a lack of imagination. The drug in this case is to replace despair with grace, style with fashion. Do not pronounce an opinion. I say one thing. There are times when the greatest artists are just desperate Mannerist.
The reader will have noticed that so far I have spoken of the drugs in the same way where I could talk about ten or twenty years ago, not to say a century ago.
that I spoke to a group of individuals who, for their good reasons, they wanted to get lost, do the "great refusal," giving up big consolation and usufruct of the current values \u200b\u200bof a culture and the lure possession of that objective as it is case specific and individual. In fact, I spoke of the specific culture of the elite: Class.
But the word "culture" does not indicate only the specific culture, elite class: this indicates also, and above all (according to the scientific use that make ethnologists, anthropologists, sociologists best) knowledge and how to be a country as a whole, ie the historical quality of the people with the infinite set of rules, often unwritten, and often even unconscious, that determine its vision of reality and regulate its behavior.
Now, there are historical periods when there is no room for drugs, or rather, this space in another in the cultural vacuum that is not "within" individuals, who have decided to move forward with this gap and to accelerate their demise with the substitute drug culture. One of the historical periods in which there was little space for the drug was for example the historical period that we have recently and, apparently, so happily, passed: it was indeed a period of repression clerical-fascist (the vent 'Democrat and thirty years of fascism). In fact, this period (I speak of Italy: they are, still, in my shame, Italian and dialectologist) persisted in the dominated class - that is practically in a country that had done no revolution - in which the class was numerically dominant oligarchy (The Vatican, the great industries of the north and little else) - and the middle classes were nothing more than a plebeian masses slightly higher economic level - was continuing, say, the whole Italian people paleoindustrial farmer and a culture - or rather , a set of particular cultures - in which the values \u200b\u200band models were rock solid, and the "tradition" exclusive. "Repress" the people, by the clerical-fascist powers that have followed, was to make sense of official (and therefore stupid, insane) to the real values \u200b\u200bof that tradition popular with the police force and impose it.
In such a situation the phenomenon of drug history could not be a strictly middle-class phenomenon: the drug that could only be the surrogate of a specific culture, elite class. The people had nothing to do. His "culture" was not in question either in crisis: it was as it had for centuries, if not thousands of years (every folk tradition is actually transnational). It 's true that even today, if I go to Piazza Navona and meeting a junkie with air that passes dangling boring and vaguely left, I hear him in the character of unhappiness and rejection philistine: I curse and the mysterious circumstances which compelled him single, to smoke hashish instead of reading a book. However the meeting in Piazza Navona, although ritual so to speak, is not typical. E 'infinitely more typical encounter a drug addict in a bar in Piazza del Cinquecento or Quarticciolo. What I mean by that? I mean that the drug has radically changed character than it was ten or twenty years ago. And 'now that is a phenomenon that affects the mass and therefore includes all social classes (even if its "model" is petty bourgeois, and is perhaps one provided by the dispute).
... So we now live in a time when the "space" (or "empty") for the drug is greatly increased. And why? Because culture in the anthropological sense, "total" in Italy was destroyed. So its values \u200b\u200band its traditional models (use this word here in the best sense) or are more or start to not count any more.
For example, the two values \u200b\u200b"God" and "family" values \u200b\u200bthat are two idiots and insane when they speak in the name of a priest or morality (even in uniform), but are two values \u200b\u200bper se, when in their name establishes a popular life-even below the level of what we call history - today no longer matter: in their name can no longer speak to any young man, let alone a young drug addict. The fall of the prestigious "unrelated" to all the values \u200b\u200bof an entire culture, could only produce a kind of "mutation" anthropological, and could not cause a crisis "total". All social classes are involved, and the loss of values concern for everyone, although most affected are young people of the poorer classes: just because they lived a "culture" far more secure and absolutely one experienced by the young of the dominant classes
. I see that drive (July 20, 1975) they tend to "limit" the phenomenon of drugs, with concern at the bottom sdrammatizzante, or blaming, according to a classic too, the company. In fact, the drug phenomenon is a phenomenon in the phenomenon, and this is the second larger phenomenon that matters: that is, indeed, a truly great historical tragedy. This is, I insist, the loss of the values \u200b\u200bof an entire culture that values, however, were not replaced by new ones
culture (unless you have to "adapt", as would be tragically correct to consider a "culture" of consumerism.
The big problem is not compensated for the loss of values \u200b\u200b- which includes the extremist phenomenon of mass of the drug - therefore applies to all young people of our country (except for now, as I have said before, those who have made the only choice cultural elements as possible: young people enrolled in the Italian Communist Party). The young Italians together constitute a perhaps now unbridgeable social evil: are either unhappy or criminal (or criminaloidi) or extremist or
conformists: and all to an extent unknown until now. Because drug addicts are placed so say the forefront of this irrevocable determination of young people to live a void and a loss, and get in position to be inaccessible, that is no longer accepted in the name of anything to talk to them (unless it is subcultural topics) - for this reason, I say, I'm not soft on young people who take drugs. In fact I tend to have for them a priori and strong dislike. On the one hand there is the presumption in their blackmail commit an act under which they mythologized-cultural, the other is my personal dislike to accept the flight, renunciation, non-availability. And 'why when Pannella made his act of "disobedience" for the decriminalization of soft drugs, I immediately came to mind at least ten other reasons that make such an act of disobedience naturally
bypassing the left panel. Sooner or later I will say those reasons. But meanwhile, I must say that I understand, however, that the fight for the decriminalization of drugs (for me, even the heaviest) is a central act and not a marginal fight for real tolerance. Why? My colleagues say almost all intellectuals are convinced that Italy, somehow, has improved. In fact, Italy is a horrible place: just a few days to go abroad and then return. I had the measure of the abyss into which the Italians are struggling, like worms, even coming back from Barcelona (city anxiety, however, that gives a breathtaking: the past is unbearable). And I speak mainly of young Italy. So if there is someone who, realizing unconsciously, perhaps, and perhaps through sub-cultural mythologizing of that,
wants to die, how can a company who offers him a tragic and disgusting spectacle, unable to do so?
Source: Corriere della Sera, July 24, 1975
(published by: Psychonaut)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Symptoms Of Twisted Bowel In Babies

... "Once there were some written against me, in my country. This is not me suffer because I know that happens to public figures to receive attacks. But the Incredibly, there were no written against those who, instead, was responsible for the increased cancer in the land, against those who had massacred the land, and then I've often wondered: is it possible that a writer is held responsible, I have a fault for telling these things, and is given the responsibility to those who have committed?
The writer in this sense has an immense responsibility: the responsibility to listen to what he says, the stories he chooses to tell stories, not as far, far away. Of course I'm talking about a particular literature, in my case it was to tell the realtà.Il the writer's task is to hear those people, that blood, those innocent deaths as something that belongs to the reader Swedish, Russian, Chinese, something that is happening right now, just when you read those pages. I am often says, but it is possible that you are obsessed only with blood, only by the ferocity? In reality it is not: I think that anyone in his heart, a conception of what beauty is, what is the chance to live free and love, can not stand the stench of compromise, corruption, the devastation of their land. This is why I like to say, to paraphrase Albert Camus: There is beauty and there is hell, I - as I remain true-to both. "
Roberto Saviano, speech at the Academy of Sweden, The Beauty and hell.

Does A Scorpio Man Like Me

"Personally I can not live without my art. But I never placed above each cosa.Mi is necessary, on the contrary, it is not removed from any of my fellows and I allows us to live as they are, at all. To me, art is not something to celebrate in solitude. It is a means to shake up the largest number of men by offering them a privileged picture of suffering and common joys. It thus requires the artist to submit to the truth not separarsi.Lo humblest and the most universal. And often the one who chose his fate because he felt different artist will learn soon that will feed either his art nor his difference, if not admitting its similarity to all. None of us is big enough for such a vocation. But in all the circumstances of your life, whether dark or provisionally known, bound by the manacles of tyranny or temporary free to express themselves, the writer can find the feeling of a living community that will justify the sole condition that you agree, how can the two positions that are the size of his craft: the service of truth and that of freedom. "
Albert Camus

Friday, June 11, 2010

Red Ruby Slippers From The Wizard Of Oz Tatoo

As wax

Once again you forgot
you have forgotten your essence,
letting it fall.
The mirror does not portray your true form but refers
extraneous reflections,
flashes of flesh.

I can not see into the eyes of a child,
the smile of a bride,
between the curves of a new mother and can not see
's even

following the paths of wrinkles on the face of your mother.
Lost your tracks, you see wax

through the eyes of the lake,
calm and anxiety. You will not find in your footsteps

between the eyes of passers
or bashful about their smiles empty plastic

but plunging into the lake of your infinite eyes.


Manfrotto 3221 Vs 055xprob

Lullaby Believe & Hope

Lullaby Lullaby
my child and so is
Sleep plan
dreams and hopes
let the day chases the night
and even the opposite
that is exchanged between the track so the sun
and dies and nobody makes a sound. Sleep in a hurry petite

awaits a fresh look at the sunflower
morning sky and you think
is a mystery.
Ninna nanna ninna

tomorrow that will probably not have
light but you do not you treat

beliefs and hopes, and your light will shine forever


Monday, June 7, 2010

Polyester Carpet Cancer

Elementary, Watson

I was in line to buy two peppers at the supermarket's central Villa, when I wondered what makes people happy here? If you talk to the people of Villa all tell you that there's a crisis, and by 2008, but not always. What work there is none. What you need to go out to the continent or even abroad come from there as well even if negative entries. I listen to them, these people, and I do not seem desperate. Then I tell myself that maybe we take it at Villa well, this story of unemployment. And people continue to behave as if nothing had happened. So the hypermarket is full again on Sunday, and continue to drive high-capacity slide out from the washing up with Agip and the kids are fearless racing bikes the same way, soaring and waving his horn. Greets you at Villa and very deep down it seems to me that people are happy. Or that's fine, at least. Or so I see them with the eyes of nostalgia.
This time in my room I did not find any exerciser. They have hidden the exercise bike somewhere. He looked again, finally, the room I left six years ago. The sheets with the same scent. Sunday morning I woke up at seven and a half. Some because of dreams and a little stress at work because of family of sparrows who lives near my window. It is indeed full of sparrows at Villa. Or birds that sing in the morning. I am very early, I noticed today that the alarm sounded at 4:45. If you opened the window to see the house Peppuccio, the sky and mountains. In that order exactly. The mountains are behind the sky, I do not know why it is so at Villa. Since I was awake I left at eight-thirty in the morning. Sunday. At Villa. In practice it means to walk in no man's land. There are rumbles of thunder, motorcyclists who go around the roundabout with the same inclination of Valentino Rossi, Number modified by the exhaust from trucks puffing. There is nothing like that. Only you bordering the Wash, approaching the mountains and the sky overhead. I walked up to
bixiau 'and susu , I ate the fruit cake my grandmother and we stayed to watch the sky from his window.
From there you can see more sky and more mountains.
The conclusions I reached are granted.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Scrapbook 12x12 Paper Storage

PAPER FOR MAYOR OF TONADICO City Council May 26, 2010

Dear Advisers,

with today begins a new path for our Administrative Council. The voters who went to the polls ten days ago gave confidence to a group of people who expressed a clear desire for change.

After a campaign true, exciting, vibrant tones and innovative programmatic content, we share to a new period that we are called to act differently than before. And 'this, after all, because it expects the population of Tonadico.

come from the world of sports from which I draw a lot of experiences in teamwork, organization and competition. We know that there are favorable days, and other negative, but those are the most difficult to manage the victory or to handle defeat. I will not dwell on these aspects, we know all the negative consequences if these moments are not handled with care and attention.

sit in our group suggest that two members have 10 years of experience of minority fulfilled with passion. Now it is important to guide the town and you want to do it, not from a position of command, but from a position of dialogue, listening and openness. The story of a municipality is crossed by the operator of several mayors. I want them to compare the athletes to a relay race where each has their factional characteristics. About running races with different tactics, but counting is the witness who must reach the finish line faster. That is, the services performed must come in a full citizen.

Here we want to make reference to the relay giving the idea that each fraction is important for the final result. We receive the witness after six years of administration is not simple. The conditioning of the negative referendum on the merger of three municipalities Sagron Mis Siror Tonadico and weighed a ton administrative activity.

Uncertainty is the worst enemy of any government or corporate policy and requires a visual navigation. Hence the need to share with all of us with clear objectives. First of all, in our advice.

The election campaign is now behind us and the board, thanks a voting system that we have never liked, our group holds an absolute majority but not available from the political point of view in the country. Hence the opportunity to not close on their election results, but to think about community cohesion, which is normal, may have made different choices when voting.

In the early hours and the first days after the elections we felt an immediate desire for dialogue by the group led by Daniel Gubert and supply for collaboration on issues dear to his group in the tourist, social, environmental and technological innovation. Moreover, much of the program that we presented was widely shared by Councillor Daniel Gubert during the previous legislature. On the programmatic side so there are uncertainties. On the other hand, for now we are not able to find a climate similar to the group led by Fabio Bernardin. The times were probably too small to be able to move toward some unity of purpose, but we think that the way it responds to the new situation have been guided in this stage too emotion of the moment rather than from the perspective of rationality. I am convinced, however, that mature conditions to work well for the community on shared projects. We will work with that light.

change to which we aspire does not mean revolution, the press does its job in search of sensation, but in the continuation of the work of our predecessors innovation with the thrust that we receive from young directors this evening sit on city council. The Board, moreover, is completely renovated two thirds are members entered for the first time in council.

We said administrative uncertainty due to the territorial organization of our common. We can not continue on this path. We have already moved with fellow newly elected mayors and Mis Sagron Siror to define the future of the High Primiero which is still the fourth entity to which we drove our three municipalities should refer to the management of personal and communal services.

We are waiting to see the developments and expertise that the Community of the Valley will gradually taking. Especially for a long time that will require the October elections, the work of forming the new government's Community el 'development of new projects, it is our obligation and commitment to reactivate a strong partnership with Sagron Mis and its Siror Union through the instrument of the institution. All candidates have reported difficulties St. Martin and beyond the choices of individual municipalities (us with the deputy mayor of San Martino), the Union High Primiero must make synthesis between the three bodies and return to being director on the ground.

Our project in Passo Cereda Passo Valles with the creation of new villages will be better at delegating Assessorile Union declined in the entity in a new plan "from Passo Valles Sagron Mis." We consider that within this area are enclosed authentic gems of our area. Today we are not able to envisage a return to the idea of \u200b\u200bmerging the three municipalities in key future seems more realistic idea of \u200b\u200bmerging the five municipalities of Soprapieve. We say this with a sense of realism.

all know, is the relevance of these days, the economic difficulties prevailing in Italy, the high public debt and cuts that will suffer in future local authorities. You will then return to the administrative simplicity and, unfortunately, take away some privilege such as the conservation of energy, in the light of all the logic (both geographical and economic) tell us to be rationalized. Meanwhile, now fail to Our City, the ten-year contribution from the region given to us by virtue of the draft EU / Merger. You will then need to take into account in the formation of future budgets that this important resource will fail. This year, the trace of the municipal administration has already indicated and we will continue the execution of transactions already aware that those who worked before us did so in view of the common good.

The administrative program of our group has been amply shown during the meetings that preceded the elections and it is why I prefer to touch the file somewhere in synthesis and indicate that we would love to share the programs of other groups in the council.

For addresses we wish to emphasize the administrative aspect of the idea of \u200b\u200bparticipatory budgeting (meetings with the population, Board committees and delegations). For the historical center of Tonadico seek the recovery of vitality through the creation of the hotel and a widespread rethinking of urban life where the citizen can take back the country. For the territories and those areas outside an effort should be any reorganization of the territory and establishment of appropriate infrastructure (parking and services to the pedestrian).

San Martino on the job with Siror will be essential to restore the momentum that the town also deserves the benefit of the valley.

Val Canali For the road is drawn from the project to develop tourism environment in cohabitation with the Park.

On Passo Cereda will work in concert with the municipality of Transacqua to consolidate its vocation as a center for skiing and hiking.

The tourism sector will be followed in conjunction with agriculture in line with the Trentino regional projects that connect to the short chain. Will be consolidated and innovated the traditional culture of the events in the country, as a country of Tonadico of children and in view of children and young people. A renewed commitment to older people with the creation of a vicious old.

not be lost to the programmatic work submitted from the other lists because it is rich in ideas very interesting. From "Together Tonadico for "now we will put emphasis on implementation of the transition, in light of service families' connection to the Vallombrosa Park" after six years of constant requests from the minority and a collection of signatures in favor of the work, we are happy we can activate.

are interesting walks in the countryside Tonadico that, thanks to a new Assessorile delegation, will have to find a territorial reorganization.

From the list "Society of Bran" we would like to take on some projects: Tourism Congress, the religious Trekking, our mountains as geological time. Propose the idea of \u200b\u200bACSM as multiutily in service to citizens and local sustainable development. And finally, is to facilitate the introduction of the new service "Pedibus" for the primary and redesigned the system for calculating the TIA (Environmental Health Fee) and pay attention to technological innovation in the administration and the management of facilities (see fiber).

Before concluding, I would like to make some observations on the role of our community in the context of policy Primiero.

not fail to make an active part in the proposals and decisions that concern the whole valley. From now on we will move to bring about a restructuring of primary and secondary school (not We can no longer wait), the creation of pedestrian and bicycle routes in the valley and the creation of San Martino fondovia Calaita. Build a strong unity of representation out of the three municipalities Sagron Mis Siror Tonadico and, through the Union High Primiero, trying to bring more attention to the importance of the territory which is a strong base of tourism in the Commonwealth of Primiero .

We must go back to being leaders of our future.

Our destiny is not written for us but by us and for those who come after, if we are not satisfied with what is being decided far we have the courage to act to change.

Remember though that if we do it together we all become more successful.

Thanks and good luck to us all.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Good Exercises For Spondylitis

Increased identity in Trentino

Regarding the City of Tonadico, the whole junta members have decided not to increase their allowances by 7% as established by regional law. Then continue to receive the amounts that encased the junta of the previous administration. And also the mayor and deputy mayor aside, on its own will, the respective amounts of € 300 and € 150 per month for solidarity actions for nationals of the country Tonadico.