Thursday, April 22, 2010

Early Pregnancy Pooping More

Program Directors: COMMITMENT TO YOUNG

  • Youth Council of Tonadico . Promote youth participation in decision-making local administration by creating a network of partners that is representative of the community youth of the country and develop projects and interventions.
  • Tonadico country boys and children. Strengthening the role of the town center as a center of early childhood services (kindergarten, kindergarten, summer camps for children and teenagers), even with integration to existing events ( Tonadico Country of Toys).
  • Relaunch ' oratory, in particular for the winter season.
  • Project "Summer of Boys" (Summer Jobs) . The activity aims to involve young people in work activities summer, socially useful function to customize their own country and the promotion of active citizenship (cleaning and tidying of green areas, information on the collection to visitors, help in organizing events , updating the City website, bureaucratic activity, tourist guides, etc ...). The "job performance" of the young, which will continue during the summer with a minimum of 60 hours of service, will be rewarded with the granting of a good books and a certificate of participation in convertible School Credits. This project will include a limited number of participants selected on the basis of merit or scholastic sports. The aim is to provide concrete help to the families of the students residents, the latter engaging in activities which enrich the store of personal experiences and bring them closer to the world of work.


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