The short video you can see above is the first "intro" of Cinema Group of 'Cultural Association Chine Vaganti .
The realization is the work of Matthew Lixi .
The music is, however, Andrea of Pillsbury.
This is a prototype that will appear in the "video work" Journal of the Association until the completion of the intro.

inkblots # 8 (new series) + Spots (the movie) come out on DVD in late October 2010 when the first official participation in the Association Lucca Comics & Games, the largest exhibition of Italian comic, to be held within the walls of the splendid medieval Tuscan city, from 29 October to 1 November 2010.

Our Association will share the booth with the Friends of the Cultural pencil.
To simplify things, we place below the map to reach the stand of China Vaganti in Lucca during the fair.
Our stand is that rectangle marked in red!

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