Con colpevole ritardo, scrivo qualcosa su Lapis in Gurgos , la manifestazione dedicata ai fumetti (e non soltanto) che si è tenuta a Orosei (NU) da 22 al 25 settembre scorsi.
Ci sarebbe così tanto da dire, che... davvero non so da dove cominciare!
E' stata un'esperienza bellissima, vissuta tra i suggestivi vicoli del centro storico di Orosei e i locali de Su Probanu, vero e proprio cuore pulsante dell'evento, in cui è stata allestita authors and reviewers of the exhibition where the most important meetings were held with the public.

Bruno, who (to give just two examples) is one of the creators and authors of the highly successful series of Donald duck, as well as among the most popular writers Dylan Dog, he told himself, his passion for comics , delle sue esperienze lavorative (comprese quelle in Francia) e del suo personale approccio alla "materia fumettistica". La sua capacità di entrare in argomento in modo semplice e sempre interessante ha fatto sì che i due incontri nei quali siamo stati impegnati (la mattina con gli studenti e il pomeriggio con un pubblico più adulto) risultassero frizzanti, mai banali e seguiti fino all'ultimo secondo dagli spettatori.

A questo proposito, sono assolutamente necessary compliment (the first in a series) organization for the selection of four artists - illustrators: a team that truly exceptional, for the different characteristics of the individual, could offer a variety of styles and approaches to a very extraordinary numerous public come in the four-day event.

During the four day event, visitors could stop and admire the designers working on the creation of these works. A novel or certainly not done enough common in events like this.
I have participated in this "game" creative writing screenplays short stories designed by M. Mureddu and M. Dall'Oglio - The Pungalatore and Mors, Mortis ... (a title later in the script was changed Memento) - and giving me some small "license", which are necessary for the creation of comic book stories of just three tables (pages) one!
Other important guests, who animated the final evening in front of a packed hall of audience, was Bepi Vigna, writer accustomed for years to national prominence and international by virtue of his numerous works and, in particular, known to be one of the three creators of Nathan Never , cartoon sci-fi hit (Sergio Bonelli Editore). Bepi Vigna spoke at length cartoon Sardinian (genesis, history, authors, works, links, influences, etc. ...), argument that only understands like few others.

A large and diverse group, made women and men, young and adults, students and fathers and mothers.

But the exceptional competence and almost religious respect in which these extraordinary people have welcomed us in Orosei authors and, more generally, the world of comics !
Gurgos in Lapis Long live!
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