Here it is ...

What a great feeling!

The first volume of Carrion (now Carrio n , the French version) ... the comic book published in France a month ago that I wrote for draft Alessia Buffolo and colors of Andrea Cagol ... has finally arrived at my house!
I must say that is a bell'oggettino to hold in their hands and browse.
I can imagine the shelves of libraries in France, among hundreds of other comics ... WOW!

And I add that is also the discreet figure in the midst of other comic books in my library. Look at the picture above!

The French publisher Clair de Lune and editorial agency Italian Yellow Whale have done a good job ... even if all the creative work is of course 100% of us authors.
I did a little 'picture of the book and the public here on the blog ... so nobody can say that I wanted to see more ... or perhaps the public because I have yet to convince myself that I have not dreamed the whole thing!

Here above you see the book along with some of his "brothers of paper."
This Super Pro (which you can read several news stories in comics complete this very blog, HERE ) and de Plains Drifter (referred to instead find the essential information in one of post "permanent" in the column on the right, between my work that I consider most important).

To buy the first book of Carrion, who (at least for now!) Exists only in the French version, as long as we seek on many websites (French) that sell it online.
Among all, there indicates two to be accessed with a simple click on the name:
- is the first FNAC
- the second AMAZON
In both of these websites (and in many other easy to find) the book is discounted by 5%.

I will be happy to chat with those of you who want to buy the book and tell me what you think!
Currently the net I found only one real review, which are very flattering, at least some Miranda site / forum BDtheque . Click HERE to read . In this regard, I meant ... THANKS, Miranda!
addition to this nice review, there are lots of advertisements in a plethora of specialized sites.
Well, what else to say ... we hope that this first book sells as much as possible! You
meantime, if you can do your part! ... Eh! Eh! Eh!

Title: Le secret de la ville
(Secret City)
46 pages - hardback
Price (5% discount): € 12.26
Publisher: Clair de Lune
Lyrics: Daniel Mocci
Drawings: Alessia Buffolo
Colors: Andrea Cagol
Agency Editorial: Yellow Whale (Roma)
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