Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pedicure Infections How To Heal

Comics, myrtle and Rock & Roll in 2010

's participation in the Cultural Chine Vaganti Lucca Comics & Games 2010 I have already said almost everything in this post and this post. But since
repetita iuvant , you remember one of the moments that you can not and you should not miss (if you come to Lucca!).

Sunday, October 31 from 17.00
at the stand of China Vaganti


We bring our comics and especially MADE IN THE MYRTLE HOUSE (along with other homemade specialties of our Sardinia).

Tasting sacred nectar is absolutely FREE!

You bring the pure Rock & Roll (which we do not offend)!

And now ... go!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Jesse Jane Free Online

Lucca Comics Lucca Comics 2010: it is time to stray Chine!

is about to start the 2010 edition of Lucca Comics & Games, the most important trade fair of comics in Italy. From October 29
1 November, in the magnificent scenery of the "old town" of Lucca, publishers, authors, enthusiasts, dealers, and curious readers across Italy (and beyond) will gather for four days living in the midst of the comics.

This edition of Lucca Comics & Games will, for the first time in its history, the 'Cultural Association Chine Vaganti participate in an official capacity with its own stand.
Indeed, since the beginning of November Chine Vaganti will make exactly 13 years of life, this participation can be considered well in Lucca the best birthday present that an association of cartoonists to be granted!
's stand Chine Vaganti (taken in coexistence with the friends of the Cultural pencil) is the number E145, located in SECTION OR EDIT RI at HALL NAPOLEON .

If you were only tuning in now with this blog, I talked to two other posts of this event, with plenty of details, exactly HERE and HERE .
But, just to summarize a bit ', that's what will be the news that China will present a stray Lucca in the coming days ...

1) New issue of "flagship" Ink Spots (new series No. 8), which collects five stories published in different issues of the past that inspired the 2008 film directed by spots Christiano Pahler . This issue has 72 pages and contains, among other things, an article by Antonio Serra (yes, one of the three fathers of Nat Never have!) Devoted entirely to film spots.

2) The DVD of the film But tbsp (which I'm told), presented in 2008 at the Association and ten hours for the first time in home video version! The DVD will be attached to the magazine and sold at the stand of China stray. Flock, buy and spread the word!

3) Presentation of the teaser crime, the new film by stray Chine (made by Christiano Pahler and this time, based on the novel by Marcello Lasio free download HERE ).
In this teaser you can see and judge my first film appearance as an actor!

Beyond these innovations, the stand of the Association will find other numbers ink stains and various publications from China, wandering like the five previously published albetti Radio Punx (of Andrea Pau and Jean Claudio Vinci ) - the fifth in its preview in Lucca - and the humorous strip de Spaghetti Western Plains Drifter (signed by me and Luca Usai ).

Last but not least, you're all invited to Sunday, October 31 at 17.00 at the stand of the Association to participate in the tasting homemade myrtle and other products (always homemade) that we all stray from China will have the pleasure to offer you and the other between a balloon! Not to forget, print out well in mind the contents of the flyer below ...

For more greedy, then, I note that today, at www.chinevaganti.com , online is the website of the Association (still in draft version and the "first passi", ma assolutamente navigabile!), dove potrete scaricare GRATIS una "succosa" anteprima del nuovo numero di Macchie d'Inchiostro e una serie di simpaticissimi gadget legati al DVD del film Macchie .
Ecco qui sotto la home page del sito!

Prima di salutarvi, non mi resta che dire altre due cosette...

1) ringraziare un carissimo amico che, oltre a leggere, collezionare, scrivere e disegnare fumetti, ha anche il cuore grande come una montagna e risponde al nome di Daniele Tomasi

and finally

2) give you an appointment at Lucca Comics & Games 2010 with the world of stray Chine!

I hope that all this (plus more that you will find directly on the spot Lucca ") will suffice!


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Blister In My Mouth From Hot Drink

E 'got the first book of animal carcasses / Carrion ... HIP-HIP ... Hurrah!

Here it is ...

What a great feeling!

The first volume of Carrion (now Carrio n , the French version) ... the comic book published in France a month ago that I wrote for draft Alessia Buffolo and colors of Andrea Cagol ... has finally arrived at my house!

I must say that is a bell'oggettino to hold in their hands and browse.
I can imagine the shelves of libraries in France, among hundreds of other comics ... WOW!

And I add that is also the discreet figure in the midst of other comic books in my library. Look at the picture above!

The French publisher Clair de Lune and editorial agency Italian Yellow Whale have done a good job ... even if all the creative work is of course 100% of us authors.

I did a little 'picture of the book and the public here on the blog ... so nobody can say that I wanted to see more ... or perhaps the public because I have yet to convince myself that I have not dreamed the whole thing!

Here above you see the book along with some of his "brothers of paper."
This Super Pro (which you can read several news stories in comics complete this very blog, HERE ) and de Plains Drifter (referred to instead find the essential information in one of post "permanent" in the column on the right, between my work that I consider most important).

To buy the first book of Carrion, who (at least for now!) Exists only in the French version, as long as we seek on many websites (French) that sell it online.

Among all, there indicates two to be accessed with a simple click on the name:
- is the first FNAC
- the second AMAZON

In both of these websites (and in many other easy to find) the book is discounted by 5%.

I will be happy to chat with those of you who want to buy the book and tell me what you think!
Currently the net I found only one real review, which are very flattering, at least some Miranda site / forum BDtheque . Click HERE to read . In this regard, I meant ... THANKS, Miranda!

addition to this nice review, there are lots of advertisements in a plethora of specialized sites.

Well, what else to say ... we hope that this first book sells as much as possible! You
meantime, if you can do your part! ... Eh! Eh! Eh!

Carrion - Tomo 1
Title: Le secret de la ville
(Secret City)

46 pages - hardback
Price (5% discount): € 12.26
Publisher: Clair de Lune

Lyrics: Daniel Mocci
Drawings: Alessia Buffolo
Colors: Andrea Cagol

Agency Editorial: Yellow Whale (Roma)

When Does The Tech Deck Broke

Between consciousness and bowel

Today, healthy lunch. Mozzarella and tomato sandwich as middle school. I just made the mistake to be situated next to the PC, and after noon, the smell of mozzarella has begun to inebriate the nostrils. Missing twenty minutes to one but I could not help but bite into it. Not having the lunch hours in the office, but before I eat before I get hungry at night, before I get distracted from work because I start to think about food.
I have this uncontrollable need Mediterranean diet of fruit and vegetables since I came back from Peru. We ate very well, for heaven's sake, but the sandwich with mozzarella and tomato do not have it there, for example. Or the tuna sandwich tomato. We mentioned a lot during our moving luuuunghi bus. Especially when the young lady from Cruz del Sur put us in front of the aluminum tray with the chicken sandwich rose. I've never eaten. Also because every time I climbed on a bus magically my gut began to dance the marinera. I do not know, had to be a reaction to the warning of the recorded voice of unconditional Cruz del Sur, saying, utilis los servicios igienicos ONLY to urinate, por favor. trod much the ONLY item on that already and I saw myself in a Peruvian prison for having disobeyed the warning. This struggle between conscience and intestine. Very tiring. Anyway I'll be looking for Cruz del Sur, is a fugitive, he lost consciousness.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Metallic Taste That I Get From Some Canned Foods

Cultural Association Vaganti Chine: here is the video / intro Cinema Group, which begins at Lucca Comics & Games 2010! Marcello and Sophia

The short video you can see above is the first "intro" of Cinema Group of 'Cultural Association Chine Vaganti .
The realization is the work of Matthew Lixi .
The music is, however, Andrea of Pillsbury.
This is a prototype that will appear in the "video work" Journal of the Association until the completion of the intro.

In this regard, I remind you that is coming out in the annex to the latest issue of the journal inkblots (which I recently spoke HERE , and of which you see on the side of the cover created by Marcello Lasio ), the DVD of the film spots, the first feature of stray Chine, dated 2008 and signed by the director Christiano Pahler .

inkblots # 8 (new series) + Spots (the movie) come out on DVD in late October 2010 when the first official participation in the Association Lucca Comics & Games, the largest exhibition of Italian comic, to be held within the walls of the splendid medieval Tuscan city, from 29 October to 1 November 2010.

I expect you all to Lucca Comics & Games Association booth (in Hall publishers), where I will be present along with a large number of "fellow avvetura" China stray.
Our Association will share the booth with the Friends of the Cultural pencil.

To simplify things, we place below the map to reach the stand of China Vaganti in Lucca during the fair.

Our stand is that rectangle marked in red!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

How To Get Rid To Broken Capillaries

After 11 months of absence from the blog, and Marcello return Sofia.

In the original plan that we presented to the editor, the story of the journey that you can never do "was to be a recurring theme in the series. Every so often, Marcello and Sophia would have had to compare the hypothesis of a journey, however, for many reasons, they would always put off.

But then the editor and I chose to abandon this path and Luca, in fact, this board is the penultimate (among 21 published so far + 1 in progress) that talks about this "mysterious" trip.

In fact, I wrote them another 2 - The journey [3] and The journey [4] . The first was published (and soon you will see on this blog), while the second has never even been designed.

I still like to imagine that among the different events that we show to the readers, Marcello and Sophia, domestic intimacy, continue to design (without success ... at least for now) that trip.

Moreover, in the life of each of us, there is always something you would do that for an unexpected, un'indecisione, una divergenza, una negligenza o qualsiasi altra cosa, non si riesce mai a fare!

Marcello e Sofia © Daniele Mocci & Luca Usai

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fake Cherry Blossom Tree Rental

# 06 The Wonders of Lapis in Lapis in Gurgos

Con colpevole ritardo, scrivo qualcosa su Lapis in Gurgos , la manifestazione dedicata ai fumetti (e non soltanto) che si è tenuta a Orosei (NU) da 22 al 25 settembre scorsi.
Ci sarebbe così tanto da dire, che... davvero non so da dove cominciare!

E' stata un'esperienza bellissima, vissuta tra i suggestivi vicoli del centro storico di Orosei e i locali de Su Probanu, vero e proprio cuore pulsante dell'evento, in cui è stata allestita authors and reviewers of the exhibition where the most important meetings were held with the public.

I arrived in Orosei September 26 and immediately, I had the honor of "duet" in front of the audience with very good Bruno En na , writer of the highest level, appreciated by the general public for his extraordinary stories published by Disney years on the heads and Sergio Bonelli Editore.
Bruno, who (to give just two examples) is one of the creators and authors of the highly successful series of Donald duck, as well as among the most popular writers Dylan Dog, he told himself, his passion for comics , delle sue esperienze lavorative (comprese quelle in Francia) e del suo personale approccio alla "materia fumettistica". La sua capacità di entrare in argomento in modo semplice e sempre interessante ha fatto sì che i due incontri nei quali siamo stati impegnati (la mattina con gli studenti e il pomeriggio con un pubblico più adulto) risultassero frizzanti, mai banali e seguiti fino all'ultimo secondo dagli spettatori.

Nei "gurgos" (vicoli) di Orosei e nei locali di Su Probanu, per quattro giorni i disegnatori ospiti hanno realizzato senza sosta i loro lavori, interagendo continuamente con bambini, ragazzi, adulti e curiosi di ogni età e provenienza.
A questo proposito, sono assolutamente necessary compliment (the first in a series) organization for the selection of four artists - illustrators: a team that truly exceptional, for the different characteristics of the individual, could offer a variety of styles and approaches to a very extraordinary numerous public come in the four-day event.

Manuelle Mureddu , Angel or Monne, Dall'Oglio Massimo and Gianluca Garofalo , as well as being highly professional level (go on their websites or blogs or facebook account to have no idea what they are capable of doing !!!), they're great holiday companions. For me it was a privilege to live next to them four days, work and entertainment.

Lapis in Gurgos was characterized by the transposition in comics and illustration of some tales of fiction noir written by local authors and inspired by current events that actually happened in the past of Orosei.
During the four day event, visitors could stop and admire the designers working on the creation of these works. A novel or certainly not done enough common in events like this.

Gianluca Garofalo admirably "photographed" with its amazing pictures, a few moments Highlights of Don Palmiro , story written by Salvatore Dessena .

Angelo Monne, with its particular technical illustrator / engraver of images magically expressed his personal view of the story of Rosario Patteri entitled Future.

Massimo Dall'Oglio transformed into dynamic images and compelling the story The Dagger , written by Mario volcanic Carcassi .

Manuelle Mureddu lent his mark evocative, stylish and essential to the creation of graphics Mors, Mortis ... another story written by Rosamaria Patteri .

I have participated in this "game" creative writing screenplays short stories designed by M. Mureddu and M. Dall'Oglio - The Pungalatore and Mors, Mortis ... (a title later in the script was changed Memento) - and giving me some small "license", which are necessary for the creation of comic book stories of just three tables (pages) one!

Other important guests, who animated the final evening in front of a packed hall of audience, was Bepi Vigna, writer accustomed for years to national prominence and international by virtue of his numerous works and, in particular, known to be one of the three creators of Nathan Never , cartoon sci-fi hit (Sergio Bonelli Editore). Bepi Vigna spoke at length cartoon Sardinian (genesis, history, authors, works, links, influences, etc. ...), argument that only understands like few others.

All this (and much more here that would take too long back!) Has only been possible thanks to great organization, devised by 'Living the Old Town Association and all his very valid and very generous contributors.
A large and diverse group, made women and men, young and adults, students and fathers and mothers.

mamori of all of us will stay in the wonderful lunches and dinners, the endless, the invaluable hospitality and friendliness of the entire country.
But the exceptional competence and almost religious respect in which these extraordinary people have welcomed us in Orosei authors and, more generally, the world of comics !

want to say THANK YOU to all of them and make a very big good luck for future editions.

Gurgos in Lapis Long live!