On September 3, 2010 in Fara Sabina (RI), during the feast of the Democratic Party, was the guest Pierluigi Bersani, national secretary. Some guys coming from all parts of Sabina, committed to defending the environment and territory, thought they could join the party and take action. In fact, just in Fara Sabina, or rather, Passo Corese, a country that is built from scratch near the railway line connecting Rome with Sabina, will rise an intermodal hub emormi size. The affected area is not an industrial zone, but agricultural, hilly and lush with olive trees and green with a key added value: host archaeological remains of the first settlements curensi. The new industrial area under construction, will replace the hills, olive trees, green, and the archaeological richness of the soil with cement, asphalt and pollution. Many warehouses are being built and almost completed the roads linking the railway to the industrial area for the transport of goods here that will make their first stop, then start again to all of central Italy and beyond, with a heavy goods vehicle traffic that ingolferà roads, already in poor condition, our lovely Sabina (the provincial spot says: "... appealing to nature!"). The problem, therefore, is not confined to the area of \u200b\u200bPasso Corese but affect all traffic neighboring countries, highways and expressways that connect these areas with other parts of Lazio, Umbria and Tuscany, adding further weight to the internal roads and rails. The movement against the overbuilding in the Sabina sees the active participation of people independent from any party or corporation, united only by a common value: the respect of the territory, not only from the naturalistic point of view but in relation to human activities, sustainable development , and the tourism potential, in harmony with the peculiarities of our territory. The activity of these groups that share interests and ideas of development, focuses on the dialogue with institutions and political figures, to to more fully understand the basic concept that drives the economic development of Sabina and seek collaboration and grassroots participation of citizens in the fundamental choices that will alter significantly their lives and how to use the land. The intent that motivated the group called symbolically "spaccacemento" intervening party to the PD, the presence of the Regional Councillor Mario Perilli and Fabio Melilli president of the province, taking advantage of the presence of National Secretary and finally have the full answers . The boys were locked away, while handing out leaflets to be known without any offensive content, accused of rotten eggs ready to be launched, however, noting the peaceful intentions of the group, at first, to maintain order withdrew. Continuing on their way, the guys started talking to people and to seek dialogue with various representatives of the PD in the area, it is here that have been attacked and shoved as if they were intent on creating panic or violent actions. Few were present at the party that gave attention and listening to their ideas and in the final group was unable either to ask questions or to have any answers, if not the classic smash on the possibility of employment (temporary or indefinite?) that can offer the intermodal hub, the circulation of wealth (of a few individuals or lobby) and urbanization the area. Investment in industrial construction and not in economic crisis, just as the medium-sized businesses are forced to close and industrial buildings are already in the area are abandoned or have never been occupied. They do not seem to throw sound bases on millennia of history that those lands are home, the appreciation of culture and tourism may not be valid alternatives for economic development? Could not possibly be rich and less powerful, while respecting the traditions and landscapes? Economic development must take account only of profit in the short term or the general welfare over time?
There are many questions that we do, that the group "spaccacemento" tried to represent thoughts and concerns as common to many citizens of our province but remain with no answer, hung up. If democracy is pluralism, participation, dialogue, PD may have the wrong name.
Eva Del Bufalo.
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