Sunday, September 19, 2010

Metal Taste In Mouth Canned Foods

singing, acting and dancing is so much baggage

The need to communicate is now more than ever and offers new horizons primary shortening distances between people. The web and social networks allow us instant communication and making us feel close to all present, and despite this, the original forms of communication, with oneself and with others, seem to have a marginal place in our hectic lives.
communication, and function of primary human need, started by an individual relationship, when the individual takes self-awareness, is the relationship with their physical, with their senses, through hand gestures and movement.

The body therefore has always been a means for the world and express their essence in close harmony with the spirit and with the mind.
today, compared to times past, the importance of the physicality of the body and is seen in a different light that seems to emphasize only the form and not substance, the body is no longer the seat of the soul and feeling but it is considered important as it appears to us and to others. Communication with your body and through it, however, ignores the simple aesthetic form and is the preferred way for the welfare and harmony with oneself.
One of the oldest disciplines in which the interrelationship between body and soul is the highest expression is in the classical dance that was one of the three main performing arts, along with theater and music.
In most cultures have a spiritual function, therapeutic and liberating, as well as being one of the most effective forms of social aggregation. The dance is from the beginning, a mirror of society and of men.
dance But what is currently and how is enjoyed and followed, how it is lived by those who practice it as a discipline and how to work?
The dance is much more widespread than commonly thought, even in remote areas and provinces.

We spoke with Maureen Serafini, artistic director of the University Performing Arts which is located in Poggio Mirteto Scalo (RI) at the Sporting Club Sabina Tevere. Maureen has over fifteen years of teaching dance in addition to the staff as a dancer in TV shows and musical theater. In 2008 with his school "New Generation Dance" was ranked third in the "Rieti Dance Festival", an international ballet competition which houses the illustrious international dance, promoted, designed and organized by the Culture and entertainment the town of Rieti. In addition, he is engaged in teaching dance to children State high schools from different countries in the area.
During his career he has worked with prominent personalities from the entertainment world to the decisive encounter with Catherine Spaak, from which the idea of \u200b\u200ba collaboration for the creation of the University Performing Arts.
Maurizio Spaak told me that a woman is dynamic, friendly and although it is well established and successful artist, maintains humility and a desire to get into the game typical of those who have much to be transmitted and to achieve. From his passion for dance, born from the television show "Dancing with the Stars" and by the active collaboration di Serafini, è nata l'idea di diffondere il più possibile le discipline sceniche e di dare l'opportunità ai talenti nascosti di emergere e ai giovanissimi di coltivare le proprie capacità. 
La scuola nasce nel 2008, conta circa 400 iscritti e, a giorni, aprirà una nuova sede a Fiano Romano (RM), è molto selettiva, le discipline insegnate sono vari tipi di danza, canto moderno e lirico e teatro. Lo scopo è di fornire competenze artistiche “a tutto tondo” e una formazione professionale completa, dando attenzione alle tendenze e alle predisposizioni individuali. In particolare l'Università dello spettacolo, rispetto alle altre scuole amatoriali della area, allows members to invest in their future with the help of a brilliant teaching staff.
fact the courses are taught by outstanding personality with a professional background: the area of \u200b\u200bdance has kept in close collaboration with the "Kledi Dance" of Rome and Raffaele Paganini, actively involved in education with internships and lectures, in addition to the participation of international dancers such as prima ballerina of the company of Paganini and hip hop dancers who worked with Madonna, the field of singing is edited by Mariangela Spotorno that duet with tenor Placido Domingo, Andrea Bocelli and Michael Buble with, as regards the theater, improvisation is directly supervised by Catherine Spaak and the acting and diction from the casting of Andrea Ricciardi Michele Placido and Marica Gungui Accademia Silvio D'Amico in Rome.
The seriousness and the selectivity of this University to allow students who promise to be placed in the entertainment world and to be internationally competitive in a difficult and demanding work environment, and today more than ever, little merit . But is the fundamental philosophy that supports the practical experience, life education, care of your body as a tool for personal fulfillment, tenacity and perseverance as companions path, the sense of sacrifice. The boys are popular in terms of human and can always count on the availability of teachers with whom they have a family relationship, the same faculty is organized as a family, without any hierarchy.
About this, Maurizio Serafini has a story to tell about Raffaele Paganini: in a meeting with the families of boys to whom he taught, he received the admiration and gratitude for his distinguished contribution and has responded with great humility, thanking him for what the boys had passed and the objectives achieved. Paganini has experienced a long period of theatrical apprenticeship that led him to stardom never forget the sense of sacrifice and passion for what he is doing, in fact, before starting the courses, inquiring about each student, trying to get to know their characteristics.
There is great difference between the world of television and theater, and although in recent years, the various television programs that focus on dance and the show have been successful in the audience, and promoting the arts, the screen does not always forward the real culture for the show, can lead to even see the name and reputation of a person without full awareness of his artistic skills and human

The risk of television today is just that and there is a gap between the characters of the show the "old school", whose fame stems from its level of competence, as well as emerging, whose success is not always accompanied by a worthy professionalism.
Approaching this world and talking to knowledgeable people who live it every day, there emerged a bitter conclusion:
in Italy, despite what happens overseas, there is no sense of entertainment and culture that shapes more direct, such as theater, is marginalized. Details of this are clear-cutting financing to local theater and cultural events in general by the government and the enormous effort that talented young people are finding space and emerge in the entertainment world, demoralized by fraud and recommendations.
University Performing Arts and other training schools give hope and mark a definite location to guide and support those who want to cultivate their potential, accompanied by the preparation technique and practice self-awareness themselves and their bodies and teach that the performance is mainly the communication of emotions and not just entertainment. Prospective artists should never forget this message as part of their baggage and their own originality and the audience can not appreciate that.

Eva Del Bufalo

Special dance QuiPerugia , insert cultural attachment to the Courier and National Courier Rieti


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