Vaghi confusing for the village, see him with her, not the triangle, no, you had just seen. Want to escape but the escape routes are completely blocked by hordes of old people dancing: the only way to disappear is to become of them.
start doing your music, cha cha and slowly turns into a secretary Stella rockettissimo you, and like magic is catapulted in the fabulous 80s, you're living part of the revival with them that 30 years earlier if the danced merrily.
You feel like Ally McBeal, your teenage heroine. You also hallucinating vision, hearing and smell, you move among the people, shamelessly wiggling the lower back and waving his arms with closed fists to the sky.
And a sense of lightness pervades you .... and starts screaming loudly in the midst of your grandparents a resounding hymn to Tozzi: "star're on me, on this night you star you star me to sigh more ..."
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