The mind wanders led by an invisible magician that leads them to mysterious and arcane.
must follow the white rabbit, but it did not have to choose between the red pill or blue pill.
The magical puppeteer pulling the strings of speech leads to an unsuspecting person in a gentle wandering association. There is no right answer or even the wrong one.
The game is to open the door to all those feelings, emotions, names, words, animals and things that knock undaunted, and without apparent reason, just the meanderings of the mind. The skilled attendant makes accommodate according to his will, in some occasions together as a river and at other times strictly in the order allowing all to enter, but keeping the pre-established arrangement.
Only at the end, when the fate is accomplished, you can see inside a kind of agglomeration of amorphous and nebulous constellation, from which at some point emerge from the depths of the unconscious re-design has always been looking for.
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