Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Colonial Insurancepregnancy


The mind wanders led by an invisible magician that leads them to mysterious and arcane.
must follow the white rabbit, but it did not have to choose between the red pill or blue pill.
The magical puppeteer pulling the strings of speech leads to an unsuspecting person in a gentle wandering association. There is no right answer or even the wrong one.
The game is to open the door to all those feelings, emotions, names, words, animals and things that knock undaunted, and without apparent reason, just the meanderings of the mind. The skilled attendant makes accommodate according to his will, in some occasions together as a river and at other times strictly in the order allowing all to enter, but keeping the pre-established arrangement.
Only at the end, when the fate is accomplished, you can see inside a kind of agglomeration of amorphous and nebulous constellation, from which at some point emerge from the depths of the unconscious re-design has always been looking for.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Diagram About Whooping Cough


Vaghi confusing for the village, see him with her, not the triangle, no, you had just seen. Want to escape but the escape routes are completely blocked by hordes of old people dancing: the only way to disappear is to become of them.
start doing your music, cha cha and slowly turns into a secretary Stella rockettissimo you, and like magic is catapulted in the fabulous 80s, you're living part of the revival with them that 30 years earlier if the danced merrily.
You feel like Ally McBeal, your teenage heroine. You also hallucinating vision, hearing and smell, you move among the people, shamelessly wiggling the lower back and waving his arms with closed fists to the sky.
And a sense of lightness pervades you .... and starts screaming loudly in the midst of your grandparents a resounding hymn to Tozzi: "star're on me, on this night you star you star me to sigh more ..."

Saturday, July 11, 2009

How To Create A Room On Poptropica.com


Lancelot, knight of the Round Table and cornificatio most famous proponent of the literature of chivalry must not die!
is not politically correct to send it into oblivion, it is unethical to throw it in the depths of our mind, or worse still those in the deepest of our unconscious.
E 'symbol of courtly love. The archetype of the adulterer. The Alchemist, which with the right amount of sadism can be mixed in a single preparation is suffering than pleasure. The Cupid lights the spark.
The fun of a momentary
quid overwhelming that assumes the form of a suffocating passion intolerant.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Nikonquick Charger How Long To Charge?

GO WITH ROCK HARD! The object of my desires

When you say that you must choose the right music to set the mood ... there was never more appropriate than this assertion, in this context.
The choice of the piece is essential, if you put a piece melodic pop, but raising the volume up, could lead to very poor results ... But if you decide to take my courage in both hands to load a pogo punk rock or a piece, the kind that breaks ... then yes, you can risk having a petit mort ... even if this terminology is more suited to the macho macho man ...
Dedicated to all lovers of DIY that you feel entitled to independently create the right atmosphere ...

Kate's Playgroung Real Name

Each time it is there waiting for me. She stares at me. With its reclining Curve Model and it is there, motionless, immobile and static. With a silent violence try to draw us to himself. I want to incorporate in him. He wants my body takes shape on him, his form. He wants to be touched. He wants his skin comes into contact with mine. He wants the smell of old news come into my nostrils and sediment long there. He wants me to see the world from one perspective: his own. He wants my eyes remain fixed: he wants to address the trajectory of my eyes. He wants me to take us taste ...
But my senses do not give up again and move away from it with a morbid curiosity peering from afar, at a safe distance!
I liken it to a prostitute you have received too many people, but many still wear the signs of memory?

not want to be one among many, and for that, I'll ...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Swollen Knee Banged Knee

HAROLD AND MAUDE-to be continued

want to remember him: in her red dress from jessica rabbit, but no thought is lying on a subject of plastic that evokes a modern Freudian couch. The depressed, highly neurotic, with mood disorders was so pose to be immortalized in what could be his last moment in this hilarious life. The photographer, also known as the lady in black, with the communist hammer and sickle, stared at the undaunted waiting to capture its best expression. Expression that was slow to come as the terror of the night: the victim herself was in the hot sun, which gives off and drain the last drop of H2O present in his body. in all this suffering, the lady in black, the PA of his inspiration, he found the courage to click that its instrument hell ... and puff like a flash, the immortalized so ...