"Personally I can not live without my art. But I never placed above each cosa.Mi is necessary, on the contrary, it is not removed from any of my fellows and I allows us to live as they are, at all. To me, art is not something to celebrate in solitude. It is a means to shake up the largest number of men by offering them a privileged picture of suffering and common joys. It thus requires the artist to submit to the truth not separarsi.Lo humblest and the most universal. And often the one who chose his fate because he felt different artist will learn soon that will feed either his art nor his difference, if not admitting its similarity to all. None of us is big enough for such a vocation. But in all the circumstances of your life, whether dark or provisionally known, bound by the manacles of tyranny or temporary free to express themselves, the writer can find the feeling of a living community that will justify the sole condition that you agree, how can the two positions that are the size of his craft: the service of truth and that of freedom. "
Albert Camus
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